Neil Greenberg
I’ve been creating dances since 1979. I’m obsessed with the particular kinds of meaning that dance can provide (sensual, perceptual, phenomenological), and with how we construct meaninfulness from the various data we receive, in dance and in life. My extensive dance background includes working as a dancer with the Merce Cunningham Dance Company; as a teacher on the dance faculties of Purchase College, Sarah Lawrence College, and the University of California, Riverside; and as dance curator at The Kitchen, the interdisciplinary performance space in NYC. Together with my ongoing work as a choreographer these experiences all inform my teaching, though which I hope to help students find a broad understanding of what dance might be.
Dance Improvisation
First Year Seminar: Performance Making and Viewing: Spectatorship and Meaning-Making
Introduction to Choreographic Research
Lang at Judson
Moving with Somatics
Music & The Body
Performance & Meaning Making
Performance Research: Queering Cunningham & Cage
Performance Workshop
Senior Seminar: Time-Based Performance
Guggenheim Fellowship for Choreography; Foundation for Contemporary Arts Fellowship, 6 NEA Fellowships, “Bessie” New York Dance and Performance Awards for Not-About-AIDS-Dance (1994) and Partial View (2005); "Bessie" nomination, Outstanding Production, This (2014).
Neil’s website
Video of Neil’s choreography
top photo credit: Frank Mullaney
bottom photo credit: Frank Mullaney, (like a vase) -2010